Kā ietaupīt ar spuldzēm?

Tuvojas gada tumšākais periods un laiks rūpēties par spuldzīšu krājumiem. Ņemot vērā elektrības cenu kāpumu, īstais laiks pievērsties naudas taupīšanai uz elektropreču rēķina:

-ar ko atšķiras “ekonomiskās” no kvēldiega spuldzēm?

-kas jāņem vērā iegādājoties spuldzes;

-jaunākās paaudzes LED spuldzes.

Vasarai beidzoties, spuldzes tiek ieslēgtas biežāk un uz ilgāku laiku, tāpēc tās sāk izdegt. Kopš ES ieviesa regulu pārejai uz “ekonomiskām” spuldzēm, iegādāties līdz šim ierastās kvēldiega spuldzes kļuvis arvien grūtāk. Un nevajag arī. Jaunās, baltās, energoekonomiskās spuldzes ievērojami ietaupa, jo spēj sniegt tik pat gaismas, patērējot ievērojami mazāk elektroenerģijas, kas jums nozīmē tikai vienu – mazāks ikmēneša rēķins par elektrību, turklāt, šīm ekonomiskajām spuldzēm ir arī ilgāks mūžs.

Jāņem vērā, ka ekonomiskās lampiņas ir dārgākas par kvēldiega spuldzēm, tāpēc maiņa ir ilgtermiņa ieguldījums, kas atmaksāsies laika gaitā. Daudziem tas sākumā ir ievērojams robs makā, ja mājsaimniecībā tiek lietoti vairāk kā 20 gaismas avoti. Taču iesaku pārāk nesteigties un atstāt kvēlspuldzes, kamēr tās izdeg. Laika gaitā tās var pārvietot uz telpām, kur tiek bieži ieslēgta un izslēgta gaisma (piem., tualete, pieliekamais), jo jaunajām eko spuldzēm nepatīk bieža slēgāšana (samazinās kalpošanas ilgums), turklāt tās pilnībā sāk atdot maksimālo gaismu no 5 līdz 20 sekundēm (kas, no otras puses, tumsā ir saudzīgāk acīm). No šī viedokļa eko spuldzes, pirmkārt, ir ideālas vietās, kur gaisma deg ilgi no vietas, piem., skatoties televizoru vai koridorā.

Piedāvāju tabulu ar divu populārāko dzīvokļu spuldžu salīdzinājumu:

Spuldzes tips


Kalpošanas ilgums

Patērē elektrību




īss (1000h)

Daudz (90% aiziet siltumā)




ilgs (6000h)

Maz (5x mazāk par kvēlspuldzēm)



Neatkarīgi no spuldzes tipa, otrs taupīšanas veids attiecas uz spuldzes jaudu (vatos). Esmu ievērojis, ka cilvēki arvien izvēlas mazākas jaudas spuldzes. Agrāko 100W spuldžu vietā tiek liktas 75W utt. Sākumā jūt atšķirību, taču pierod pāris dienu laikā. Vēl, runājot par taupīšanu, vajag pievērst uzmanību, cik bieži izdeg spuldzītes. Manai kaimiņienei pēc tikko veikta remonta, griestos tika iestrādāta vesela mazo spuldzīšu sērija. No projekta viedokļa nodoms apsveicams – nelieli gaismas avoti izkaisīti pa visu telpu sniedz vienmērīgi izkliedētu gaismu, taču neprasmīgs elektriķis nebija izrēķinājis kopējo spriegumu, kas izrādījās par lielu.

Nereti ekonomisko spuldžu lietotāji sūdzas par nepierasto, zilo gaismu un – lētajām – manāmu trīsuļošanu. Tā veidojas no elektrotīkla svārstībām, tāpēc iesaku galda lampām iegādāties dārgākas un kvalitatīvākas ekvivalentus vai, piemēram, jaunākās paaudzes LED (gaismas diožu) spuldzes, kas pie mums nopērkamas jau sen, taču tikai pēdējos gados tās pilnveidotas plaša patēriņa prasībām. LED spuldžu gaisma ir balta un vistuvākā dabiskajai gaismai, taču joprojām lielākais šo spuldžu trūkums ir augstā cena. Lai gan darba mūžs tām ir pārsteidzoši ilgs, pārliekās sprieguma maiņas mūsu dzīvokļos samazina tās kalpošanas ilgumu.

Iegādājoties jāpievērš uzmanība, lai lampas cokola izmērs sakrīt ar ligzdas, kur ievieto spuldzi, standartu. Visdrošāk paņemt līdzi uz veikalu izdegušo spuldzīti un uz vietas salīdzināt. Tas īpaši noderīgi, ja mājās, piem., vannas istabā, tiek lietotas arī nestandarta spuldzes. Vēl jāņem vērā, ka eko spuldzēm mēdz būt citādāks, pagarināts stikla kupola dizains, kas var radīt problēmas to ievietot iepriekšējās – kvēldiega spuldzes – lampas abažūrā. Šādā gadījumā iesaku lietot pēc izmēra un veidola identiskās halogēna spuldzes, kurām enerģijas ietaupījums gan nav tik liels kā eko spuldzēm, toties nebūs jāpērk jauna lampa.

Šobrīd pietiks, kādu citu reizi pastāstīšu vai un kā iespējams ekonomēt ar kvēlspuldzēm līdzīgajām halogēna spuldzēm, kā atšķiras viencokola un divcokolu dienasgaismas stieņveida spuldzes un kā efektīvi izmantot lampas ar kustības sensoru.


  1. Paskat, LED spuldzes tiek noliktas tā vien – man mājās visur ir LED un nav nekādu problēmu, viss apmierina. un Cena arī nav nemaz tik augsta.!

  2. Njā, ekonomiskās ir stipri labākas par kvēldiega spuldzītēm. LED spuldzes vēl neesmu lietojis.

  3. jā labi jau izklausas LED ekonomiskās spuldzes, bet ja ta nopietni paskatas uz to lietu tad nemaz tik liela ekonomija viss tur nesanāk!

    1. musu veikalos pagaidam piedāvā mazu watu led ar maz lūmeniem aptuvena cena ap 10Ls (šīs lampas ir par tumšu un der vienīgi redzes sabojāšanai)
    2. normāla 8w led spuldze ir pielīdzināma 100w kvēlspūldzei bet tās cena ir no 30 – 40Ls

    tātad ja parēķina tā nopietnāk ja jāsaliek visā dzīvoklī led tad tas atmaksājas pēc pāris gadiem

  4. Do you know which place I will find out audio editor that can split decibels in various ways. I want to expunge some super tones and low-grade tones (maintain mid high and mid low-grade). Will you tell me which site I will find program just like this? Is audio editor so?

  5. Just by an accident, I discover the iPod video converter reviews on the web includes the most well-liked iPod video converter software that can aid you convert video to iPod video formats.

    While I also have a matter that don¡¯t know to choose which program to my personal use. Have you guys experienced any model of the programs and what is your suggestions of it?

    Thanks for any opinion.

  6. I require a great software likes convert dvd to avi software, not as expensive as it..
    It needs to allow to transform a few of chapters from a DVD into one AVI file.
    Anybody supply any suggestions for one that they have utilized before?
    I would like a free one but I will not care paying for a great software.

  7. My younger sister and I am always searching all day for a free of charge converting M4P to MP3 software. We’ve used a lot of them and will not seem to search out one that moves the full music file and sincerely works. Is there good m4p transferer, just like convert m4p tool? Thank you!

  8. Recently i downloaded a wonderful video of youtube and i really love the song within. Howver i only got a video converter. Would you guys provide me a tool to extract the audio? If best audio converter review can give me help? I will appreciate any suggestion.

  9. I don’t really realize what software people use to edit their films. I want to know which editing video software they use to compile their videos. Is video editing software possible? Please help me. Thank you!

  10. Hello everyone,
    I am currently running a small web hosting company and I just want to collect you guys ideas on what’s the most professional dedicated server provider available?
    I need one that is quick while utilizing remote desktop to access, and dependable in terms of never crashing or restarting.
    My friend recommended me to look at the dedicated server hosting services online there before purchase. So I have a overall impression of dedicated server hosting now. But which one is the best for me? And what is the Best Dedicated Server for Hosting EA?
    Any great advices?

  11. Once I own m4p music bought in iTunes music store online and desire to transfer this song to my player for MP3 what do I need to do? Every song make protection of DRM. What are the easiest and quickest ways for removing DRM? Is drm converter possbile?

  12. I am meeting some trouble…I have some mp4 files on my computer that i want to burn onto a dvd that can be read by a dvd player are there any excellent free tool? (not free of charge trials that just get me use 5 minutes of movie, such as dvd creator mac and put a watermark) or if any person desires to enjoy a registration code for a dvd maker they have ill hearing or my additional choice could just be to obtain a movie converter and burn them just with my mac, but what format could they need to be converted to? Thanks a lot all help.

  13. The Samsung BD-P1600 is effective at updating its firmware version in two ways. The simplest method involves utilizing a USB flash drive. Whenever you connect a flash drive which has the firmware file, the ball player will detect it and automatically begin updating. If you’re running in to problems playing Blu-ray discs or using certain functions on a disc, you need to down load the most recent firmware update from the Samsung web site.

    Plug the USB flash drive in to an open USB port on your pc. Click on the "Start" button in the low left corner of one’s desktop after which click "Computer. " The USB flash drive appears under "Devices with Removable Storage. " Double-click the drive to check out any files with names ending in ". ruf". If you discover any, right-click them and click "Delete. " Open a Internet browser and down load the most recent firmware version from the Samsung down load web site. Open the. zip file that you simply downloaded. Within the archive, you will discover a ". ruf" file. Copy the file to the USB flash drive and disconnect the drive when finished. Eject any discs from the BD-P1600 player. Plug the flash drive it in to player’s USB port. It screen will display "Verifying Firmware Version. " Await the screen to show a note confirming that the new firmware update can be obtained. The screen will show the brand new version number and the present version. Press the "Enter" button and choose "Yes" to use the update. This method may take as much as 3 minutes. Await the BD-P1600 to show it self off after which take away the flash drive.

    Resource:How to Get a Firmware Update Using a USB Flash Drive for My Samsung BD P1600 Blu-Ray Player

  14. FLV to VCD movie

    This tutorial would be to demonstrate an in depth demonstration of converting videos downloaded from YouTube, Google Video, and so on, to Video CD compressed by MPEG-1. The file extension of VCD is. DAT.

    To begin with, ensure that the YouTube videos and Google videos communicating on the internet are of the Flash Video file, or FLV extendable.

    What’s FLV?

    FLV, or Flash Live Video file, is really a preferred extendable that is made for web playback, offering high rates of compression to provide video on the internet using Adobe Flash Player.

    FLV content can’t be played right back directly but should be embedded in (or linked from) an SWF file. You create (or download) a "container" SWF file that to play the FLV file. The most typical approach is by using an SWF file that functions as a media player with screen and playback controls. Notable users of the FLV format include YouTube, Google Video, Reuters. com, Yahoo! Video and MySpace.

    What’s VCD?

    Video CD uses MPEG-1 for video compression and. DAT since the file extension.

    1. Launch FLV to Video Converter Pro2

    You are able to convert FLV (Flash Video) to VCD with this program only when you have Moyea FLV to Video Converter Pro 2 installed.

    Launch this program

    2? Add FLV

    Click the " Add FLV " to import your target FLV files to the program.

    3? Edit

    Here you are able to do more high level editing based on personal taste.

    The video could be cropped regarding individual needs. You may also decrease the play duration by the "trim" function.

    Here you are able to show your personality fully with the addition of logo and text. Only if you always check " Add image watermark ", are you able to add pictures by browsing files at a negative balance pane, and always check " text " alike to provide your personal some ideas.

    4? Settings

    Click " Settings " and you’ll be able to do some adjustment of the FLV settings depends upon personal needs.

    Pick the export format at a negative balance box.

    5? Convert

    This is actually the " Convert " interface, click " start " to start the conversion.

    Transfer the Converted Movies to Your Portable devices for enjoyment.

    Resource:FLV to VCD- Convert Video from FLV(Flash Video) to MPEG(VCD) with FLV to Video Converter

  15. Blu-ray discs play in 1080p resolution, that is dramatically much better than the most resolution standard DVDs can play in. Regrettably, the only method you should use Blu-ray discs is by inserting them right into a Blu-ray player. If you’ve got a newer computer, you might have a Blu-ray player. Older computers, particularly those dating back to to 2009 and prior, broadly speaking don’t include Blu-ray players. You can examine to see if your pc includes a Blu-ray player by taking a look at the computer it self or by accessing system information.

    Look on the leading of one’s computer. If you’ve got a laptop, open the very best to reveal the keyboard. You need to visit a label together with your computer’s specifications. Just about all computers which have a Blu-ray player will say the like the label. Examine the face area of one’s computer’s disk drives. Just like DVD and CD-ROM drives are called such, Blu-ray drive players includes "Blu-ray" on the leading of the drive. Look closely, since the drive’s label could be difficult to see whether it’s almost exactly the same color since the face of the drive. Open the "Start" menu and enter "System Information" in the "Search" field. Press "Enter. " When the "System Information" window appears and loads, click on the "+" icon alongside "Components. " Click "CD-ROM. " The info on the best side will require one minute approximately to load. After it will, look under each drive for "Media Type. " If you’ve got a Blu-ray player, the media type for just one drive should read "Blu-ray. ".

    Resource:How to Know If Your Computer Will Play Blu-ray DVDs

  16. An HP MediaSmart Server helps store your digital media including videos and MP3s. The server will automatically right back up your files in addition to permit you to watch the media on any computer in your house. Media Smart also creates an electronic version of all your media and causes it to be readily available for down load to view in your portable media device. System The HP Media Smart Server operates with Microsoft Windows Home Server on PCs and Apple Time Machine on Macs. It posseses an Intel Celeron 2. 2 GHZ 64-bit processor or an Intel Pentium Dual Core 2. 5 GHZ 64-bit processor. Also included is really a memory capacity of 2GB DDR2 DRAM. Drive The server comes with an option of (1 x 1. 5 TB) SATA 7200 RPM drive capacity or (1 x 1. 0 TB) SATA 7200 RPM. TB may be the abbreviation of terabyte or 1, 000, 000, 000, 000 bytes of information. Additionally, the server includes three empty hard disk bays, four USB ports and something eSATA port. The server holds up to 17 TB of information if all the hard disk bays, USB ports and eSATA port are utilized. Appearance The server is available in black and is 5. 5-by-9. 8-by-9. 2 inches.

    Resource:MediaSmart Server Specifications

  17. Whenever your competitors are offering more that what customers want as freebies, then you definitely just can’t afford to relax and do nothing. What worked previously might not work in our, as well as concerning the future. Previously, companies gave away notebooks, towels, t-shirts and caps as promotional merchandises and at exactly the same time, promoting their brands.

    Today, these freebies are most likely nowhere to be observed or a few of the t-shirts are most likely getting used to wipe the dining table in your backyard. Many companies accepted this ugly fact plus they began to offer what brings importance to people’s lives which includes the famous promotional USB flash.

    There are some reasons why you ought to make use of the options that come with pen drives. Businesses with successful branding strategies have long implemented them as a branding tool. Being that they are already carrying it out and also have been very successful, maybe it’s time for the company to think about by using this strategy too.

    As mentioned previously above, when you’re offering junk to your customers, you will put your company right into a serious danger. You might earn a sale or two but to be able to gain clients loyalty, you will have to place in effort. As the competition in the market has already been going strong, your post sale effort must be achieved the proper way. Whenever you hand out promotional USB flash to your customers, you’re gaining a much better competitive advantage. You are giving something which adds values for their lives and never something they may wish to discard or trying out the area in the home. Whenever your competitors do and you don’t, you’re losing out. Likewise, should you choose as well as your competitors don’t, you’re ahead. If both you as well as your competitors do, you’ve got a battle, that is still much better than losing out.

    Secondly, maybe you have considered the easiest method to surprise your visitors? Among the terms that’s popular running a business may be the term called, "under promise, over deliver". You too may use promotional USB flash to surprise your visitors. How is that possible? Whenever you put your self in your customers’ perspective, you’d realize that even though you are receiving freebies from the company, you’d not need something which is useless for you. You realize clients are well spoiled today and their demand when it comes to quality is extremely high. Can you prefer a t-shirt or perhaps a pen drive? What about a cap? You may not require a key-chain if you have a selection to obtain a pen drive free of charge? Giving your visitors pen drives, you already surprising them together with your effort in understanding them and going beyond what’s necessary.

    Finally, due to the frequent utilization of the promotional USB flash, your brand will appear before their eyes frequently. Whenever they would like to transfer, copy and present the files for their prospective customers, they will see your logo, whether or not they enjoy it or maybe not. With this particular, you have with you a marketing advantage for the business.

    Those were a few of the explanations why this sort of promotional product is really powerful. Sink these pointers as your company axioms and successful branding can come to the right path.

    Resource:Promotional USB Flash Drives Mean Successful Branding

  18. PCI-Express, also called PCI-E, may be the standard graphics interface in computers. Even though just about all new motherboards give a PCI-E slot, letting you easily upgrade your graphics card, some motherboards include built-in graphics chips aswell. The onboard graphics adapter will have to be disabled if you want to use a dedicated graphics card — because you can’t utilize them together.

    Disable Onboard Graphics Log on to Windows. Take away the drivers for the onboard graphics adapter when you go to "Uninstall a program" in the get a grip on panel. Switch off the computer. Enter the machine BIOS prior to the computer starts Windows. Frequently, the BIOS is accessed by pressing the "Del" key, or the "F2" key in your keyboard. Go directly to the BIOS page, which most closely matches "Integrated Peripherals" or "Onboard Devices. " Discover the built-in graphics option and disable it. Make reference to your motherboard manual for further guidelines, if you don’t find any setting for disabling the onboard graphics card. Install New Graphics Card Take away the computer case cover and unplug the ability supply. Insert the graphics card to the available PCI-E slot. Attach the screw to the L-bracket, connecting the graphics card securely to the rear of the case. Plug the ability cable in. Move the monitor cable from its original plug to the main one on the rear of the brand new graphics card. Launch your pc. Log on to Windows. Have the latest drivers for the graphics card from either nvidia. com or ati. com, with respect to the kind of graphics chip your card has. Install the drivers and restart the computer.

    Cite: How to Use PCI-E Cards With Onboard Graphics

  19. Since you may know, many people now save money time reading their emails than they do surfing the net. Email is among the most effective mediums which you can use to communicate with visitors, clients and prospects.

    In this specific article I shall discuss 15 guidelines which you can use every day in your e-mail marketing activities. Used wisely and consistently, there is no doubt you will see a heightened response from your own subscribers — may it be for more feedback, more product/seminar registrations, or maybe more orders.

    1. Preventing the Spam Filters Nearly all large Online sites providers now use rigorous spam protection mechanisms to trap unsolicited email before it enters their clients inboxes. Spam filters broadly speaking "rank" each email by a variety of criteria, and, if that email rates above a particular level (such as 10 spam points), then it’s flagged as spam and deleted.

    To ensure your emails do not get flagged as spam — and deleted before they even reach your subscribers — stay away from words such as for example ‘Free’, ‘$$$’, ‘Save’, ‘Discount’, and so on in both subject line and this content of one’s email.

    2. Maximizing Click-Thru Rates Both webpages and emails can contain lots of text and graphics, which sometimes causes it to be harder to really get your subscribers to do a particular task, such as for example hitting a hyperlink to see your personal offers.

    Numerous research papers inform us that almost all Online users respond easier to an ordinary, bold, blue text link — similar to this — instead of a banner or button. So, if you are going to include links in your emails, get them to bold, blue and underlined. This can imply that more subscribers click on through, meaning more conversions/sales for you personally.

    3. The ability of Personalization In the event that you were standing in a crowded mall, which of those would get your attention: "HEY, YOU! " or "HEY JOHN" (assuming your name is John). The ability of personalization can and really should be utilized in your emails. In-fact, simply by starting your email with "Hi name]" rather than the boring "Hi there", you are able to increase both your reading and click-thru rates by up to 650%. Why? Quite simply, it is because your subscribers feel just like they curently have a relationship with you as you’ve addressed them by their first name.

    4. One-Click Unsubscription If you wish to grow your subscriber list, then you will find 2 items that you definitely should have: a double opt-in process, and a fast method to unsubscribe. In certain countries, is in reality mandatory legally that each email comes with an unsubscribe link inside it. The unsubscribe link should just take the recipient straight to a full page where they have been then removed — courteously — from your own subscriber list.

    5. Signup Confirmation Do not get accused of spamming — always, and I am talking about always utilize a double opt-in confirmation process. Double opt-in implies that after your visitor initially enters their current email address a subscription to your list, you need to then send them a "confirmation" email. This email should have a special link back again to your email-marketing program, that will then verify this visitor did indeed join your subscriber list.

    6. Tuesday / Wednesday = Increased Response Studies conducted by investigating online analysts show that the very best days to do a mail-out to your list are Tuesday and Wednesday, as this really is when individuals are more receptive to communication. Which means that they may read your articles and click links, meaning increased sales.

    On Mondays, most people are still coping with a hectic week-end. On Thursday and Friday, individuals are already too busy getting excited about the week-end. We’ve actually attempted this, and received the very best results by sending out emails at around 2-3pm (American Pacific Time) on a Wednesday.

    7. Repeat Email Communication A car responder is definitely an email that’s scheduled to be sent at a particular time interval after somebody subscribes to your subscriber list. Auto responders are a terrific way to automatically follow-up together with your subscribers or give them additional information in your products/services.

    For instance, in the event that you give a free newsletter, you can setup 3 auto responders for new subscribers: the foremost is sent one hour once they subscribe. It has a thanks message and a hyperlink to get 10% off your newly released eBook.

    The second reason is sent twenty four hours once they subscribe, telling them about your community discussion boards, and the 3rd is sent 72 hours once they subscribe, in which you are able to offer them a unique deal on being a paid person in your website.

    Auto responders help your subscribers build rely upon both your organization as well as your brand, and this assists allow it to be easier when attempting to close sales as time goes on.

    8. Consistency may be the Key If you are managing a newsletter or frequent email publication, be sure you keep carefully the feel and look consistent from issue to issue. By keeping the feel and look consistent, you help maintain and strengthen your brand as well as your image to your subscribers, which again can make it simpler to close sales if you want to.

    Produce a template for the newsletter and if you need to produce a new issue, use that template while the basis for every issue.

    9. Promptly, Everytime When sending a normal email to your subscribers, ensure that it’s sent on a single day, at exactly the same time. For instance, every Wednesday at 3pm. Your subscribers can come to "expect" your email to reach within their inbox on a single day at exactly the same time each week, and therefore they would like to read your articles and tend to be more receptive to any special deals or promotions you might include.

    10. The Half-a-Second Subject Line Whenever your email arrives in your subscriber’s inbox, you broadly speaking have about 50 % another to catch their attention with the topic type of your email. Following this, they’ll either delete your email or ignore it. In your subject line, try to specify an advantage that the subscriber can get by reading your email. For instance, rather than using ‘OurSite Newsletter Issue #1’, use ‘OurSite Newsletter: 10 Strategies for Financial Freedom’.

    11. The Free Bonus Hook-In Free is overused nowadays, particularly on the web. However, if you are seeking to grow your subscriber list, then create or source an item of value to these potential customers (such being an eBook or discount coupon) and gives it for them free of charge once they signup for the newsletter.

    To ensure they do not simply type any current email address in to your subscription form, setup a car responder to send them the free bonus one hour once they sign up for your newsletter.

    12. The Preview Pane Popular email customers such as for example MS Outlook show a preview of a contact when it is selected in your inbox. Also have some interesting content towards the top of one’s email, as this is actually the part which will show in the preview window of one’s subscribers email program. Whether it’s interesting enough, your subscriber will open your email and carry on reading.

    13. Link-Click Testing When designing marketing emails, use different text for both content and links. Also take to re-positioning pictures such as for example logos and buttons. After sending about 3 different emails, compare the click-thru stats and see which worked most useful. Now, if you want to send marketing emails as time goes on, you realize that you’ll be sending the best mixture of content and pictures which will attract probably the most click-thrus, and eventually probably the most sales.

    14. Email-Based Learning Add value to your site, build rely upon these potential customers, establish your credibility and collect more subscriptions to your subscriber list by establishing an email-based learning course. To get this done, simply create a number of auto responders (for example, 5) containing unique content. Then, schedule the very first someone to be sent after twenty four hours, the 2nd after 48 hours, and so on.

    15. Always Sign up the Dotted Line Always incorporate a signature at the end of one’s emails, as it’s among the easiest methods to attract increased traffic to your site. This signature will include your individual details, your organization details, and an unsubscribe link. You should use your signature to link right back to your site, as well as to other products and services. Here is a sample signature:

    Regards, Someone in particular. President – Company XYZ. Visit our web site at Unsubscribe out of this newsletter at

    Conclusion – By implementing the 15 guidelines described in this specific article, you are able to just take your e-mail marketing to an entire new level — attracting more subscribers, and building both your brand equity and credibility at exactly the same time.

    Article resource: 15 Email Marketing Best Practices

  20. Windows Reseller website hosting is popular among a lot of its competitors due to the benefits and features which their users can acquire from utilizing their platform when compared with Linux platform. Below please find a summary of key advantages of Windows website hosting over its competitors.

    1. This platform allows users to make use of Active Server Pages scripts, one of the biggest Microsoft applications famous in designing web sites. Obviously, users are permitted to use a number of other active programming tools and scripts for different needs and objectives so long as they get themselves on Windows reseller website hosting. This meant that the Windows reseller website hosting computer software has the Enterprise level solution right right from the start.

    2. Windows reseller services, RDMS (Relational database management system ) which really is a type of SQL server can be used due to the prestigious reputation in providing the best degree of reliable database management system for all users all around the globe, particularly those from the enterprise level companies where reliable is main concern.

    3. It’s a great candidate for Reseller business due to the high feasibility and exceptional compatibility with a number of other host devices when compared with Linux. One great example will be any websites that operate on UNIX-based system could be hosted with a windows-based server, However, the reversal can not work efficiently exactly the same way which had worked for Windows reseller services.

    4. Windows platform is recommended due to the higher-level of compatibility. Allow me to quote an example here: with just one single get a grip on panel, the reseller website hosting provider has the capacity to track multiple customers concurrently, unlike Linux reseller website hosting that you simply could possibly have to disseminate over various multiple get a grip on panels such case. This not just help you save considerable time, however it is a lot simpler to keep an eye on your customers aswell.

    5. It allows the users to make use of ASP. Net and ASP alongside Windows Reseller hosting company service plan. This really is an additional benefit to the customers because ASP and ASP. Net are powerful tools specifically for web application development which helps you to facilitate in designing and developing one’s web site for his or her business attraction.

    6. Moreover, Microsoft provides SQL Server, a very reliable and powerful computer software for data management and analysis which work fine with many existing complex business applications. Microsoft is definitely there to own most advanced technology to aid their clients and a broad cluster of the business to be able to stay competitively advantageous in the net hosting industry. Therefore as you reaches partner up with a windows reseller platform provider, you’ve got a huge space and opportunities to develop together with your customers must expand their business with the most recent features and technology from the windows reseller platform.

    Article resource: The Key Benefits of Windows Reseller Web Hosting Over Linux Reseller Web Hosting

  21. There’s been a technology coming for quite a while, and today it is here now. Hd movies is going to be available mid 2006 in two formats: Blu-Ray and HD DVD. Both of these formats both offer similar features on a single sized disc, however they don’t have any plans to be compatible in exactly the same movie player. It’s created a split up in the movie industry and businesses are taking sides.

    Blu-ray technology originated by Sony who includes a history for creating incompatible products and services like Beta-Max video tape (against VHS) and Memory Stick flash memory (against SD). A Blu-Ray Disc is merely just like a DVD, however the information is more tightly packed together. It was permitted using a more precise laser to see the disc. The blue-violet laserlight replaces the normal red beam of past technology like DVD and CD formats. The wavelength of the blue-violet laserlight is shorter, letting it be focused onto an inferior area. This way the info could be more tightly packed. Blu-Ray claims it may fit five times additional information on a single disc than there’s on a regular DVD. This extra space assists you to fit HD quality movies and sound that won’t fit on now available DVDs. Blu-Ray players may also be backward compatible, meaning they’ll play CDs and DVDs aswell. It won’t support the HD DVD format.

    HD DVD uses nearly the same technology as Blu-Ray, but it’s not as compressed. This only enables around three times more capacity than the usual DVD holds. This continues to be adequate space for HD quality movies, and HD DVD promises no big difference in picture/sound quality. The technology was made by Toshiba, NEC and Sanyo. Recently, Intel and Microsoft have backed HD DVD which can only help in the computer integration of HD DVD. HD DVD players may also be backward suitable for CDs and DVDs.

    Both are extremely similar technologically, however, Blu-Ray appears to have an advantage on marketing their product. More studios and electronic businesses are utilizing the Blu-Ray format. Blu-Ray Discs also offer more capacity that may carry them further over time. There’s skepticism about there being two formats, however in a totally free market society competition is what drives businesses to provide better quality at a reasonable price. This can be a sizable advantage for consumers and it’ll keep carefully the video media industry from having a monopoly on a higher demand product. If you will spend $500+ for a person, opt for Blu-Ray.

    Article resource: HD DVD vs Blu-Ray

  22. There might be times when you wish only the audio part of an electronic video file that you have saved on your pc. You’ll be able to convert a video file to MP3. Only the audio aspect is converted, with the MP3 format, your sound maintains top quality. This is often convenient if you wish to pay attention to live-concert footage in your Music player or if you wish to rip songs from your own favorite movie musical and create audio recordings.


    Down load Any Video Converter or similar computer software (see Resources). Any Video Converter is really a free conversion computer software that enables you to convert from and also to various kinds of digital files, including video files to MP3s.

    Install the program on your pc. Follow the screens that walk you through the procedure.

    Add your video. Click "Add Video. " Discover the video file in your computer’s hard disk you want to convert to MP3 and click "Open. "

    Pick the "MP3" file type for the output file. Alongside "Profile" at the very top, right-hand side of the screen, click on the drop-down menu. "MP3 Audio" is really a choice under "Common Used Audio Formats. "

    Click "Convert. " The button is towards the top of the Any Video Converter screen, right alongside the "Add Video" button. Progress is tracked onscreen so you know once the conversion is complete.

    Play your MP3 file. Any Video Converter automatically saves the converted file to the same folder where the the initial video file was located. The file should open in whatever default MP3-playing media player you have installed on your pc, such as for example Winamp.

    Resource: How to Convert Video Files to MP3 Files

  23. The MPG or MPEG movie extendable, developed and released by the Moving Picture Experts Group, uses high compression processes to fit considerable amounts of video content in to small file sizes. Most computer multimedia players can interpret MPG files, but certain type of computer software, such as for example video editing programs, might ask users to input videos in the AVI or Audio Video Interleave format. A range of Internet-based conversion tools can do correctly that task.

    class="steps"> Media-convert. com

    Launch any browser and access media-convert. com. Select "Choose File" in order to find the MPEG movie in the pop-up window. Media-convert tops off upload size at 200MB.

    Select MPG or MPEG for the input container and AVI for the output container by hitting each option in the drop-down menus.

    Click "OK" to start the file conversion. When the process concludes, choose the down load connect to receive your AVI. Mediaconverter. org

    Access mediaconverter. org.

    Click on the "Upload a file" button in order to find the MPEG file. Afterward, pick AVI for the output format. Mediaconverter restrictrs upload size to 100MB because of its non-member users.

    Click "Start" to produce the AVI. Following the conversion completes, follow the link to down load the video. Zamzar. com

    Access Zamzar. com.

    Click Choose File in order to find the video file. After, pick AVI for the output format. Free users of Zamzar might only upload files smaller than 100MB.

    Key in your email and click Convert. Zamzar will soon send you a contact together with your AVI.

    Cite: How to Convert MPG to AVI for Free

  24. DJs seamlessly get a grip on the sounds of an event, dance or performance by making clever utilization of mixers. The crossfader may be the element of a mixer most accountable for the blending and transitioning between songs along with other sounds. Dedication to crossfader mastery is built-in to making the transition from the selector enthusiast to a club-ready DJ.

    Connect your two audio sources to the mixer’s inputs. One audio source will have to link left channel; another must connect with the best channel. Connect your headphones to the mixer. Pay attention to your audio sources. Adjust volume and equalizer levels as desired. Cue the sounds you want to mix. Prepare them both for imminent, timely playback. Crossfader in useSlide the crossfader handle fully toward the channel you want to play from first. Cue and monitor another channel by listening during your headphones. Despite what might be playing in your headphones, your speakers will play only what the crossfader indicates. Slide the crossfader handle toward the channel you want to play from 2nd. Cue and monitor the alternate channel by listening during your headphones once again. Slide the crossfader backwards and forwards as desired. Leave the crossfader between your two channels to play them simultaneously. The nearer to a channel your crossfader lies, the more prominently the channel’s audio will play in your mix. Practice cuing and crossfading your audio sources before you are confident enough in your set to play for the general public.

    Cite: How to Mix Like a DJ

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  26. Maybe you have missed your family terribly as you were away on a company trip? You intend to see them, communicate with them as you weren’t miles apart. The Logitech Webcam C905 will solve that to suit your needs. The Logitech C905 is from the makers of the planet famous Logitech Web Camera that’s admired for their superior clearness and quality. You will feel as if you’re family’s just nearby with the video calling capacity for this Logitech Webcam.

    Using the Logitech C905 means that you could make super clear video calls any time, anywhere. Certainly, it is the perfect travel web cam for those who are always on the run. It truly is a handy 2 MP web cam that provides you something other web cams can not – smooth, razor-sharp full-screen video.

    This Logitech Web Camera incorporates high-precision Carl Zeiss optics, ultra-smooth AutoFocus and light-adjusting RightLight2 Technology that interact hence making your video calling experience a great deal better. It even posseses a built-in microphone in the Logitech Webcam which enables you to enjoy the benefit of crystal-clear exchange. Surrounding noise may also be downplayed. Included in the package is really a protective case for the net cam.

    Hd videos are produced at higher frame speeds due to the fact the Logitech Webcam C905 is definitely an HD web cam. This gives you clearer and smoother videos. You’re even yet in the positioning to record and share HD widescreen videos. That’s correctly what you should want when you have intentions of sending or sharing videos on line with family and friends.

    The Logitech Vid that’s a one-click-to-call, easy and free video calling computer software is roofed with the Logitech Webcam. Given that the program has already been built-in, setting the machine up to create calls immediately consumes very little time when compared with other major calling apps. When you wish to include a buddy, you simply must use their e-mail address rather than their screen name to find. Most importantly, you may make a call taking a Logitech Webcam C905 simply by hitting your friend’s image.

    First-class autofocus and ultra-wide angle Carl Zeiss lens are a few things the Logitech C905 boasts of. The lens can gracefully adjust your movements so instead of fuzzy pictures, only smooth videos are produced even at close-ups throughout video chats. You’ll be able to snap images up to 8 MP with this Logitech Web Camera.

    The Logitech Web Camera, with the RightLight2 Technology it uses, can quickly identify poor lighting such that it works automatically to create necessary adjustments. It even eliminates harsh side and right back lighting to help you often be observed in perfect light.

    Fun graphics are made into the Logitech Webcam. You’ll discover countless realistic effects you should use to customize your appearance and this isn’t found in other web cam brands. The Logitech C905 gives you a practical universal clip, an instance and a stand that enables you to attach the net cam securely to your LCD monitor.

    Article resource: The Logitech Webcam C905 – The Ideal Webcam for Notebooks

  27. Along with both wired and wireless routers, networking technology company Linksys also makes a type of USB wireless adapters. These adapters, when correctly installed, permit you to connect your pc to wireless Internet networks without having to install a bit of equipment on your system’s motherboard. The installation process for a Linksys wireless adapter involves two parts: connecting these devices to your pc and installing the required computer software.

    Take away the plastic cap that protects the metal USB input in your Linksys adapter. This plastic cap makes certain that no dust or dirt infiltrates the USB input, that could potentially damage these devices. Plug the Linksys adapter in to any free USB port on your pc. Once Windows recognizes this connection, a "New Hardware Installed" message can look on screen. Click on the "X" button to close this message. Place your Linksys adapter CD-ROM in to your computer’s CD-ROM drive. Once Windows recognizes the disc, a computer software installation window can look on-screen. Click "Install" to set up the program necessary to operate your Linksys adapter. Restart your pc. This can finalize installing the adapter. Whenever your computer reboots it decide to use for connecting to wireless networks.

    Resource: How to Install a Wireless Linksys Adapter

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